
Style individual form controls and utilize common layouts.

Heads up! Forms need some reworking to clean up the specificity and required markup. We'll get to that soon!



  • We reset several elements’ default styles for cross browser consistency and easier manipulation later. This includes <fieldset>s, WebKit validation bubbles, and most textual <input>s.
  • Specific types of textual <input>s are styled automatically, but .form-control is available should you need it.
  • Always declare a type on your <button>s.
  • Form layouts rely on form groups.

Example form

Form controls in Primer currently have no basic layout specified (this is by design). You’ll need to use <fieldset>s, <div>s, or other elements and styles to rearrange them.


Form contrast

Textual form controls have a white background by default. You can change this to a light gray with .input-contrast.



Make inputs smaller, larger, or full-width with an additional class.








Primer adds light height and vertical-align styles to <select>s for all browsers to render them consistently with textual inputs.



Use the .select-sm class to resize both default and custom <select>s to match the size of our small buttons.


Form groups


Form group validation

Convey errors and warnings for form groups. Add the appropriate class—either .errored or .warn—to the <dl class="form-group"> to start. Then, house your error messaging in an additional <dd> with either .error or .warning.

This example input has an error.

This example input has a warning.


Checkboxes and radios

Utilities to spice up the alignment and styling of checkbox and radio controls.

This will do insanely awesome and amazing things!


You may also add emphasis to the label:


Input group

Attached an input and button to one another.


Form actions

Align buttons to the right—via float: right on the buttons—in forms with .form-actions. The floats are automatically cleared for you.
