
Lightweight Boilerplate Generator that does not require the Command-line Interface (CLI) to customize software addons and packages, for the Visually-oriented Developers.

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Get Started.

Select the desired target addon, package, extension or an html theme you want to use in your project, fill-in the details, customize and generate the code, downalod and enjoy!.


Developers have many tools to help them stay productive and to kickstart new projects, generate packages, modules, addons and extenstions. Yoeman, is a great example of such tools, to scaffold modern apps.

However, most of these tools depends on the Command-line Interface (CLI), requiring the user to install software on their machines and interacte with a Text-based Console.

This is not entirely a bad idea, however, it can be an overkills for some scenarios where configurations for the traget extentsion or module are minimum or for people who prefer having a visual interface to interact with. On the flip coin, if you have a package or a module to distribute, Boxed will help you to turn your Github repositiores into living templates.

Add your own

If you like the idea and want to offer your own addons, all you have to do to use Boxed is to fork the project then add the details of your module / addon in the repos folder follwoing the example of the exisiting packages. Boxed uses Alpaca to generate the forms and handlebarsjs as template engine. Use handlebarsjs to transform your repositoy to a template where you speciy few placeholders the user can fill-in using the Alpaca auto-generated forms. Boxed will download your repo to the user browser and replace all the handlebarsjs placeholders found in your project's files with the values sepecified by the user. It will then compress the result and initiate download. Your users will love you for making their lives so easy.